Not Your Ordinary Office Party / Dec 2013 Newsletter

Dec 2013 Happy Holidays! Twas the night before Xmas and all through the town Everybody was scrambling and running around I need a ball for danny and suzy a dress I'll go to the mall - they'll have them I guess The parking lot was full, no empty carts were in sight The hallways were so crowded it gave Mommy a fright "I found a glove, and a hat- it'll have to do For the boy with the bat and the girl with red shoes" And on Christmas morning the children come down And open their gifts with terrible frowns Suzy says mommy what's with the hat? I don't need a new hat - I've already got that. Danny says thanks Mom but no thanks at all I've got a glove and a bat - all I need is a ball Dad didn't notice while he slept in the den that Mommy screwed up Christmas again Don't make the same mistake year after year The solution is simple for holiday cheer Just gather your family and bring them downtown and come to the Mitten and buy them a round! Xmas at the Mitten Dec 21st Good new folks! I will once again be hosting the annual Xmas party! This year we're moving the party a little closer to home and celebrating the season at the Mitten Brewing Co. The Mitten Brewing Co. is located on West Leonard and is a wonderful little brewery and pizzeria. New this year is the ugly sweater contest with prizes for the top 3 ugliest or obnoxious sweaters. Also, as always, there will be a table full of cookies set up for you to enjoy. Please feel free to bring your favorite cookies to share at the cookie table. One more thing, this year we are doing a benefit fundraiser for Kids Food Basket. There will be donation stations set up in a few different places around the bar to make it easy for you to donate. Kids Food Basket is a wonderful non profit that feeds hungry kids in our community. Your donation to Kids Food Basket is tax deductible and appreciated by thousands of local children. Musical performances by Mitten owner Chris Andrus, Fauxgrass and Nicholas James and the One Horse Open Sleigh (featuring Diamond, Jeremy Kozmicki and Bret Truskowski.) If you've never experienced an Xmas show - well, it's a little different than a normal show. Okay, it's nothing like what I normally do. I guess that's what makes it so much fun. Check out this video if you're curious: BIG NEWS! We are pleased to introduce our new drummer Chris Sloan into the Bandwagon family. We sure have been blessed with some incredible talent in the Bandwagon and Chris is no exception. He plays every instrument on the planet and sings well too. It's awesome to have him on board and I look forward to a bright future with Chris on the drum kit. I sure am looking forward to getting back on stage with my band! Nicholas James and the Bandwagon will be playing our final show of the year at the Pyramid Scheme on Dec. 20. Our friends Rootstand will be headlining the show. This is our second time at the Pski and it's the first time we've ever shared the bill with Rootstand outside of a music festival. I'm excited to see them tear it up. They always do. We go on first around 9pm. BONUS! It's Cyber Monday so if you order your tickets online today you'll get in for 1/2 price. Click this link to buy tickets: TODAY ONLY 12/6 - Horizon Books - Traverse City, MI - 8pm *with Clouds 12/8 - Shorts Brewing Co. - Bellaire, MI - 7pm *with Clouds 12/20 - Pyramid Scheme - Grand Rapids, MI - 9pm *with Nicholas James and the Bandwagon and Rootstand 12/21 - Mitten Brewing Co. - Grand Rapids, MI - Xmas at the Mitten - 9pm *with Fauxgrass, Chris Andrus and Nicholas James and the One Horse Open Sleigh FREE MUSIC: 2 free MP3 downloads, just for being on this list. You have to right click and select "download linked file" One more thing; After a month without Facebook I've logged back in! Facebook is a good way to stay in touch with people you care about. It can be time consuming, but it doesn't have to be. Are we friends on Facebook? If not, click here. Merry Christmas! Happy Hanukkah! Kwanza Love! Hippie New Year! nik Did you enjoy this newsletter? You can simply hit reply to let me know. Or if you just want to say hi, feel free. I like to keep the conversation going. You can also find me on Facebook. Or Twitter. Thanks for following along. I still think this newsletter is the best way to stay in touch with me and my music and I always try to keep my website up to date. Thanks for caring. It means a lot to me.

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